Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Fall into a lawsuit? Sanbot legal service robot helps

It takes the jobs of lawyers to answer over 50,000 special questions, plays the role of lawsuit guide in the court to train litigants to know of the initiating processes and helps mediate disputes between neighbors and family members… In April, the customized intelligent legal service robot was developed successfully in China Software Valley in Nanjing City and began to offer service. It seemed there was wide gap between law and big data and artificial intelligence, but the cross-border team-up brought the intelligent service robot with “brain of law”.

 “Hello, what can I do for you?” When the reporter of Nanjing Daily was talking with a working staff, a cute intelligent humanoid robot came over and greeted them. That was an intelligent robot developed by QIHAN Technology and “brain of law” given by Nanjing University and some other universities.

Inquisitor: What should I do if my boss owes me salary?

Sanbot Legal service robot: Does the opponent accept the owed amount? One, he or she accepts; Two, he or she is controversial…” Faced with numerous questions of labor dispute and feneration from inquisitor, Xiaofa (name of the legal service robot) responded with details and listed the laws and regulations, judicial point of view and related cases on the screen. At last, according to the claims from inquisitor, Xiaofa provided QR code for inquisitor to download the big data report, which predicted the probable result of judgment, approval rating and reject rating, analyzed the probable factors leading to lawsuit failure and reminded the litigant of evidences, time cost and economic cost…

It is not strange that the robot can recognize and speak Chinese, and the important thing is that the advanced AI robot can recognize and speak near 30 foreign languages, and quote legal regulations, analyze cases and make reasoning and judgement. Du Xiangyang, the lawsuit solution developer told Nanjing Daily, “Xiaofa is capable of communication, facial recognition, voice command and source recognition, independent walking and the other basic functions, and the most advanced is the human-robot interactions in laws and regulations. The programmable humanoid robot can answer over 50,000 related questions, including civil law, criminal law, commercial law and other numerous areas.”

How does the robot learn and use the laws and regulations? It is the latest technology application achievement of legal big data. In the opinions of the administrator of the project Liang Yanyuan and other AI engineers, laws and regulations, accusations and the relevant legal terms are all codes. Via technologies such as algorithm, intelligent mapping, etc., robot can also imitate lawyers to question closely, imitate judge the logic and make the final conclusion.

“It was last year when the thought of lawsuit service robot came out.” Du Xiangyang told the media. “The judicial service professional personnel are lacking, the cost of lawsuit consultant is high and normal citizens know little about lawsuit processes, which are the pain points for legal services. An advanced intelligent robot, integrated with professional knowledge of laws and regulations is very helpful to the society.”

As far as we know, till now, over 80 Xiaofa Sanbot legal service robots has been serving in courts, justice bureaus and legal branches in Zhejiang, Guangdong and more provinces, to take the job of services including lawsuit guidance, lawsuit consultant. The robots can be for sales or renting. Du told Nanjing Daily in the end,“this was a society of ‘Robotics as a Service’, and in the future, any areas related to laws could adopt the intelligent legal service robot. The competitors are not too many and our robots are of first-rated hardware and software, therefore, we would have a prosperous future regarding this robot product.”

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