Sunday, December 17, 2017

Robot helps catering business expand and create more value

Hideo Sawada from HIS points out: "in the next 5 years, about 70% of the work in the Japanese hotel industry will be automated. It takes only one to two years for the hotel to take back the cost. But because the hotel is open for 24 hours and they don't need a holiday, you will eventually find that using intelligent robots is the most economical way. "

But according to Michael Chui, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, much work in the catering industry and the accommodation industry is easy to be automated.

These jobs have not been replaced by the advanced AI robots because they need to provide human services. When a cup of coffee is ordered or a hotel is checked in, people need to communicate with human staff. But a robot manufacturing company betting that when robots enter these service industries, people will be more willing to communicate with robot the service robots. They are also convinced that increasing robots do not mean that human jobs are necessarily reduced.

Commercial service robots have entered the catering and accommodation and the cost of these robots has fallen sharply in recent years. According to the Boston consulting company, the cost of robots has fallen by 40% since 2005. At the same time, the cost of workers is becoming more and more expensive, because legislation in some cities and regions in the United States has raised the minimum income level.

The physical brick-and-mortar stores with traditional retail modes are finding it harder to find success in this hi-tech era and upgrading retail stores into the new era is imperative, and these upgrades are happening daily. Pizza Hut Malaysia took a necessary step, introducing Sanbot robots to promote its store.

Although the catering employs fewer workers, the increasing number of branches leads to an overall increase in the number of catering workers. The nature of the human staff changes when intelligent robots replace their basic jobs. Their job now is to introduce more products to customers, such as deposits, car loans and so on, which can bring more value to their employers.

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