Thursday, December 7, 2017

Sanbot Max will offer robot services for financial sector

November 23, 2017 - The China Mobile Global Partnership Conference 2017 was held at the Poly World Trade Center in Guangzhou, China. With theme of “Creating the Future Together, Smart Connecting to Everything”, China Mobile showcased the latest achievements from roughly 200 well-known hi-tech enterprises including IBM, Huawei, Tencent, and Samsung, all of whom are global partners of China Mobile. One technological achievement at the event was Sanbot Max, a robot jointly developed QIHAN Technology and powered by IBM’s system.

QIHAN Technology has been in cooperation with IBM since it launched its first intelligent commercial service robot Sanbot Elf. Powered by IBM Watson AI system, Sanbot Elf has been working for scenarios in more than 30 countries, benefiting traditional businesses and the customers. Again, QIHAN introduces IBM technology for the newest service robot Sanbot Max.

Sanbot Max has an open API, which allows this robot to be customized to fit special business model. In the financial sector, Sanbot Max was customized to be the financial service assistant. The intelligent humanoid robot, with the IBM AI, gives Sanbot the ability to perform this job to perfection. Let’s see what Sanbot Max can do for finance:

· Sanbot can answer common banking questions customers have. These questions could be about transferring money, stolen or lost credit card, and other common banking procedures.

· Sanbot can comprehend and analyze an investor’s financial status, goals, and risk preferences. Using this knowledge, the advanced service robot will be able to provide unique and personal financial planning and recommendations. Its Artificial Intelligence allows it to have a near flawless dialogue and interaction with the investor.

· Using its powerful IBM-powered brain, Sanbot Max will find the best path towards a person’s financial goals and dynamically monitor their assets in real-time. Sanbot Max’s brain also gives it the ability to use this data to offer recommendations for investment adjustments and asset allocation, leading to more profit.

· Sanbot + IBM AI system gives Sanbot Max an incredible learning ability, particularly in the dialogue interaction with a human. With this ability, Sanbot can better serve the customer.

· There is more. Sanbot Max also carries a sophisticated facial recognition system and memory. Sanbot Max can remember names, age, and even the mood of someone. Sanbot Max can identify VIP customers or a customer’s personalized service. This means that if you walked into a bank, Sanbot would recognize you and what services you need, saving you lots of time.

Visitors got to see and demo all of the functions, which amazed them. Banks have started to see the advantages of Sanbot Max particularly with regards to data collection. Customers interacting with Sanbot everyday can help banks create a data platform. Sanbot Max can analyze and process these data and present it in a way for the bank to understand the data and use it to better their services.

Sanbot Max also has great physical characteristics. Sanbot Max can carry objects up to 75 Kg by adjusting its center of gravity, more than the average adult. Sanbot has a max speed of 5m/s, which is faster than the average human walking speed of 1.5 m/s. Plus, Sanbot has the ability the attach 3rd party devices such as printers, ATM machines, and more to help businesses expand and improve.

Many of these features are thanks to IBM. IBM China Research Institute has been researching AI, cloud computing, IoT, and the application of chain block technology. The advanced technology China IBM has will be a great help to industries across the world, medicine, environmental problems, logistics, and more.

Sanbot Max is ready to do its share to help with the research and application. In the future, QIHAN will cooperate with IBM to add more advanced AI services like Deep Understanding, Knowledge Reasoning, Continuous Learning and Multi-modal Interaction capabilities to Sanbot Max for the financial sector.

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